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All jobs completed by accredited engineers.

Easy Process

Simple registering process to get started

Time Saving

Relieve your workload using Easy Certs

The EasyCerts Property Owner Process

Receive An Upfront, Online Quote And Schedule Your Appointment

Client Registration and Information Submission:
Property owners register as clients on the EasyCerts system, providing all relevant information, including a list of property addresses in their portfolio.

Service Request Submission:
When a client requires a particular service, they submit a request to EasyCerts detailing the specific service and property address from the portfolio they uploaded.

Engineer Assignment and Real-Time Updates:
EasyCerts initiates the process of finding the nearest suitable qualified engineer. The client receives real-time updates on the engineer’s arrival.

Job Completion and Quality Check:
Once the job is completed and a quality check is conducted the engineers will update the system to notify EasyCerts that the service has been completed.

Certificate Delivery and Storage:
The client receives a completed certificate, which is safely stored on the EasyCerts system.

Easy Certs Vetting Process

We conduct a thorough background check on all of our engineers to make sure they are the right person for the job you request, we have a dedicated HR Partner completing all the following checks on our behalf:

  • Qualifications: Applicants must provide evidence of their qualifications relevant to their profession.
  • Proof of Address: Applicants must provide evidence of the traders address, such as a utility bill or credit check.
  • Identification: Applicants must provide photo identification.
  • Code of Conduct and Ethics: Applicants must sign an agreement to adhere to the established code of conduct and ethics.
  • DBS Check: Applicants may be required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Easy Certs is authorized to conduct the DBS check if needed. Applicants who already possess a certified DBS check can expedite the process.

To begin managing certificates and services for their portfolio with EasyCerts, property owners simply need to complete a form. This step enables EasyCerts to create a tailored profile, granting access to the platform’s comprehensive features for efficient management.